Need tasks handled in a professional and timely manner?

TechieTasks can be a big help with most of the day to day issues you may have*.

If you don’t have a full time/in house WordPress professional, TechieTasks can be quite helpful and are included in all maintenance plans.

What can TechieTasks do for you?

Plugin Management

Need a plugin installed, configured, or removed?
Common plugins I deal with handle SEO, push notifications, caching, security, backups, etc.

CSS Customization

Want to change how a certain aspect of your site looks?
I’ll take care of CSS changes such as, font changes, background/foreground colors, link appearance, button styling, and content spacing.


Is something not working right?
I’ll fix broken configurations, miss behaving plugins, or things not showing up where they should.

Random Maintenance Items

Need a one-off maintenance item handled?
Sometimes you have broken links needing redirection, database overhead, cleaning up plugins and more…

Theme Edits

Wishing your theme had some extra functionality?
I can add code to make it shine, create custom templates, fix your footer content, add widgets, and tweak formatting.

Third Party Liaison

Want somebody to translate the tech jargon from another service?
I can communicate with them for you, often handling the task and saving you the time and headache.

*TechieTasks are limited to thirty minutes each, and may not be combined into larger projects. Even then, thirty minutes covers most common scenarios.