Wondering if your site is running as well as it could be?
With my help, you can confidently work on your site’s content and messaging while knowing the rest is in good hands.
The easy choice for websites looking to stay secured, backed-up, and in good health.
Website Security
24/7 Uptime Monitoring
1 Monthly TechieTask
Daily Cloud Backups
Onboarding Site Audit
Google Analytics Integration
Speed Optimization
Performance Monitoring
All WordPress Updates
Priority Support
Want extra help? Keep your site updated and further optimized for even faster loading and reliability.
Website Security
24/7 Uptime Monitoring
5 Monthly TechieTasks
2 x Daily Cloud Backups
Annual Site Audit
Google Analytics Integration
Speed Optimization
Performance Monitoring
All WordPress Updates
Priority Support
For larger websites with over 100k monthly visitors, eCommerce, or specialized functionality.
Website Security
24/7 Uptime Monitoring
10 Monthly TechieTasks
Hourly Cloud Backups
Monthly Site Audit
Google Analytics Integration
Speed Optimization
Performance Monitoring
All WordPress Updates
Priority Support
I offer peace of mind, efficiency and expertise…